administered by 'My hosting company'
Hosting Services

Best Website Hosting Accounts

The shared web hosting traders truly contrast with one another. Regardless of having been in the website hosting marketplace for a long time, not many hosting account providers supply a lot of server farm facility location possibilities for their treasured clientele. Despite its limited dimensions, 'My hosting company' offers 4 exciting data center facility places: the United States, the United Kingdom, Sweden and Australia. You can host domain-only user accounts or shared hosting accounts in any of the abovementioned places. The more cutting-edge semi-dedicated and dedicated hosting are available only in the American server farm.

Hosting Features Website Hosting Semi-Dedicated Dedicated Hosting
Monthly Fee
Data Storage Unlimited Unlimited 240 GB
Website Bandwidth Unlimited Unlimited 10 TB
Max CPU Load 5% 100% 100%
Server RAM N/A N/A 4 GB
MySQL Databases 5 Unlimited Unlimited
Hosted Hostnames 1 Unlimited Unlimited
FTP Users Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Mailboxes 100 Unlimited Unlimited
Root Access
Secure Shell (SSH) Optional
Single-click Apps Installer 2
Hepsia Control Panel
cPanel Control Panel

Max CPU Load 1 - The CPU resource allocation is dependent on the particular VPS hosting package.

Single-click Apps Installer 2 - Contained only in the Hepsia Control Panel.